Discover Our Space
Held Comfortably in the Jungle Womb

Awake is being developed on 15acres (6ha) of beautiful flat land in the town of Uvita.
Click here to see accommodation options

View above Awake

The communal center at night

Our communal center in the daytime

7 bedrooms near the Cora share communal bathrooms

Conference in the Surya Shala

Welcoming grass space by the river

Where we build all our furniture and doors

Personal house and communal workspace and gym

Sound studio

Communal gym

Washing room, dry room, staff kitchen, office

The main fire circle and space for our temascal ceremonies

All the water at Awake comes from our abundant spring. It is filtered and structured before distribution

Most of Awake seen from the sky

View of the land from above

Rio Uvita is bordering the land